How to include "refetchQueries" option into React Apollo Query with Typescript? Ask Question Asked 4 years, 1 month ago. use refetchInactive option like this: queryClient. Is the best practice to pass the setSearchTerm to the child component to update the parent's searchTerm state or if there is any other way to refetch the query with new searchTerm from the child component? I. With refetchQueries you can specify one or more queries that you want to run after a mutation is completed in order to refetch the parts of the store that may have been affected by the mutation:Actually never mind my code, it should already work if refetchQueries is an array of strings. . loading property, you'll want to use data. I have two queries and I would like to update them both to perform a search with the same value from another component: // components/activeUsers. It will change to 4 during a refetch ( networkStatus values ). For instance, in our example, we want to display a list of posts in Posts component:IMHO, one of the most neat solutions is described in the Apollo Client React implementation. I'm having trouble getting refetchQueries to work. which means now right?! :-D I see you now have a `relayStylePagination` helper for instance,. ] list passed to client. And to send a request when the user clicks on. with Dataloader) will barely notice a difference. For example, this might be to change a currently selected item, to render a different list of items than the one being shown, or more generally to transition the. refetchQueries, [EReactQueryKeys. How to use invalidateQueries () You can find invalidateQueries () on the queryClient. const { loading, error, data, refetch } = useQuery (GET_ARTICLES);Open in app Refetch Strategies for Apollo’s GraphQL client There are several techniques for refetching data. Here's a quick demo on stackblitz. mutate (ADD_COMMENT, { variables. I have a polling flow in the app which is a sequence of queries running dependant on previous to finish. refetchQueries ({stale: true}) // refetch all active queries partially matching a query key:React-Query useQuery hooks by default are executed once the component is mounted, which is fine, however it’s not always the case, sometimes we wanted to fetch/refetch queries based on specific actions or conditions. The only difference is that invalidateQueries marks cache data as invalid before trying to refetch the query while refetchQueries only refetches the query without invalidating the cached data. For. However, both refetchQueries: ['QueryName'] and refetchQueries: [DocumentNode] work as expected. All other most common use. For example: const [updateName] = useMutation (updateNameD) const [updateAge] = useMutation (updateAgeD) const [updateCity] = useMutation (updateCityD, {refetchQueries: () => [ { query: UsersDocument }],}) The issue: the order of the. If you do not want to re-execute any queries then. Keep them in mind as you continue to learn and use TanStack Query: Query instances via useQuery or useInfiniteQuery by default consider cached data as stale. refetchQueries // refetch all stale queries: await queryClient. mutate ( { refetchQueries: [ { query }] }); } So after the mutation runs, re run this query and re render any component associated with that query and the header should automatically update. . 3 React-query series Part 3: Data fetching with the useQuery hook. When we are using a basic query, we can use the Apollo. Query Keys are a very important core concept in React Query. Note that in an app with tens or hundreds of. We also have some trpc specific options that let you opt in or out of certain behaviors on a per-procedure level:. Intended outcome: I'm trying to refetch some queries after the mutation and I expect them to be executed. Unlike useQuery, useMutation returns a tuple. You can optionally pass variables, optimisticResponse, refetchQueries, and update in as options, which will override any props passed to the Mutation component. 1 Answer. data), { // 💡 response of the mutation is passed to. refetchInterval: number | false | ( (data: TData | undefined, query: Query) => number | false) Optional. So (as an intermediate step) I'd also like it to update the list of things after a successful "add". 4. Anyways, without a codesandbox reproduction, its impossible to understand. Since UseTRPCQueryOptions extends @tanstack/react-query's UseQueryOptions, you can use any of their options here such as enabled, refetchOnWindowFocus, etc. The refetchQueries option. When referring to "refetching a query", we mean fetching the query again for different data than was originally rendered by the query. MyComponent = graphql (createItemImage, { name: "createItemImage", options: { refetchQueries: [ { query: getEntity, variables: { id: id } } ] } }) (MyComponent, id); export default MyComponent. A user has the ability to switch the organization for which they're viewing the data of, therefore when the value of user. queryClient. RTK Query is included within the installation of the core Redux Toolkit package. You also can refresh standby query by using includeStandby option. Use existing variables when using refetchQueries in react-apollo. React Apollo Client - modify query data before it goes to cache. js will trigger a rebuild with the updated data. json by running yarn add @apollo/client and yarn add graphql-tag. Fixing Adding and Deleting Entries. The. 2. Typically, you should only have one API slice per base URL that your application needs to communicate with. At its core, TanStack Query manages query caching for you based on query keys. The above example will query the random data API and ask for a random vehicle. 25 1 9. Basically it should be:React Query is an open-source project created by Tanner Linsey. tsx. g. It seem there is no way I can make it now with Apollo Client. 実はこれが更新のように簡単にはいかず、 refetchQueries で Query を更新するか自分でコードを書いて Mutation のレスポンスをもとにキャッシュを更新する必要があります。 refetchQueries で Query を更新するには、以下のようにコードを書きます。ReactQuery - useInfiniteQuery refetching issue. Use of refetchQueries to updating the cache. We simply need to parse our query into a GraphQL document using the gql tag from apollo-angular library. The query value inside the QueryOptions object does not take one of the entries in the namedOperations list. I’m using either refetch() from a cell’s success prop or the refetchQueries() function inside useMutation to reload a cell’s query after a form submission. I've started playing with React-Query and it works great if I only need to fetch data from a single collection in my database. Giving React. The query will ignore query client invalidateQueries and refetchQueries calls that would normally result in the query refetching. To subscribe to a query in your components or. In GraphQL, you fetch data with the help of queries. Notifications. In this section, we'll continue migrating our example app to use RTK Query. just paste it under some react query : const {data, isLoading, refetch} = useQuery ("query", queryFunc); useRefetchOnFocus (refetch); . (I know about the refetchQueries parameter you can pass to mutations, but it doesn't apply here). That approach doesn't work because refetchQueries option updates CURRENT_USER query before I get and put token from mutation result in localStorage. The initial request will show the cached page, and when the data gets updated, Next. Returning a Promise from onQueryUpdated will cause the final mutation Promise to await the returned Promise. So I had to save the parameters of all GET_ITEMS calls from all pages, and then transfer the saved parameters to the refetchQueries mutation method. You can use useQuery in your setup option and pass it a GraphQL document as the first parameter. 1. props not updated. Otherwise, I would need some global state (redux, context API. Viewed 1k times 0 I am using typescript in a React project using Apollo client, I have a simple update customer form that requires a mutation inside of a Query for getting the. lumenwrites lumenwrites. Follow. Up until I started to use react-query I just used async/await and Promise. Then you refetch manually. Adding an item requires a refresh to see changes, same is true for delete refetchQueries. For refetch queries that contain input parameters, instead of adding a named operation to the refetchQueries array, you need to add an Apollo QueryOptions (opens in a new tab) object. You switched accounts on another tab or window. It will then refetch those queries with their current variables. const prefetchTodos = async () => {. There are a few different ways we handle this throughout our application. queryClient. 1 React-query series Part 1: Basic react-query setup 2 React-query series Part 2: QueryClient configuration. Personally I expected first refetchQueries then onCompleted at the very end. Mutation refetch by query nameThe mutation does not automatically triggers a refetch. Signature. Exercise: Use Fragment with Entries Query. Optimistic. js. Examples: // refetch all queries: await queryClient. Comment refetchQueries and use Query 's refetch instead. js app, I'm using Apollo Client to make queries and mutations. Pagination & Refetching. Cache redirects. The refetchQueries method can be used to refetch queries based on certain conditions. After executing a mutation and changing something on the server, chances are you’re going to need to refresh the UI. Let’s look at the following GraphQL query: {. Fetching new data for an OperationRequest in Ferry is as easy as adding an updated request to the Client. Here is a video showing the network tab during the issue. g. Optional callback for intercepting queries whose cache data has been updated by the mutation, as well as any queries specified in the refetchQueries: [. Share. You signed out in another tab or window. Examples: tsx // refetch all queries: await queryClient. For example, this might be to change a currently selected item, to render a different list of items than the one being shown, or more generally to transition the currently rendered content. . Q&A for work. user1924240 user1924240. The issue is that useLazyQuery doesn't provide "refetchQueries" function so I can not "refetch" after I get search results. To process queries, endpoints are defined with a query option, which passes its return value to a common baseQuery function used for the API. useMutation also exposes a loading property. starredByCaller and database. title. The refetchQueries method can be used to refetch queries based on certain conditions. Hi @mobiixi36, As stated in mutation section useMutation is to serve the purpose of create/update/delete data. GraphQL is a very straightforward and declarative new language to more easily and efficiently fetch and change data, whether it is from a database or even from static files. focus the window, you will get another fetch because staleTime is zero per default and refetchOnWindowFocus is on. props. Most patterns are general and can be applied to most popular frontend frameworks (React, Angular, Vue, Stencil), and to popular GraphQL client libraries (Apollo / urql), due to extended support. A query's status === 'loading' state is sufficient enough to show the initial hard-loading state for a query, but sometimes you may want to display an additional indicator that a query is refetching in the background. Refetch queries with input parameters. invalidation will just mark them as stale so that they refetch the next time an observer mounts. It's one at a time (no batching), and I don't think there is any specific ordering that you should rely upon. log (criteria) //from useQuery key //your get api call here with criteria params return posts; }; const [criteria, setCriteria] = useState ("") const {isLoading, data: post. invalidateQueries, on the other hand, will only mark any fresh queries as. Returning false causes the query to be ignored. Description. React Query & GraphQL Request Update MutationSerial queries dependent on multiple previous refetchInterval queries. A query is a declarative dependency on an asynchronous source of data that is tied to a unique key. In. tearDownQuery method removes the query from the. const [deleteHabit, {error, loading}] = useMutation (DELETE_HABIT, {refetchQueries: [{query: HABITS_QUERY}], awaitRefetchQueries: true,}); Now when we hit the delete button, we can't click it again until the new list appears, and since that new list doesn't have the deleted habit, we don't even get the option!Refetching Queries with Different Data. I am using ReactJS and Apollo "react-apollo": "^2. Powerful asynchronous state management for TS/JS, React, Solid, Vue and Svelte. This method of refetching. so you can use boolean state for enable and disable it and in useEffect for debounceInputValue make it true but when data arrived make it false again. refetchQueries does also take an item in the array that is an object with a query and variables property. Later, when user make some changes I need to refetch only one of those combined queries with new variables. 1 2 2 bronze badges. 1 Answer. I'm looking to refetch multiple queries in a pull-to-refresh action. invalidateQueries and queryClient. In this article, we will learn about RTK Query and how to use it for data fetching in React. all screen queries recorded in the debugger. Fragments. refetchQueries ({stale: true}) // refetch all active queries partially matching a query key:To refetch the data automatically, you need to invalidate the previously cached results. The refetchQueries method can be used to refetch queries based on certain conditions. The problem is, on refetch, my cache is overwritten with new data from that single. There should only be one fetch, and if you e. I'm trying to utilize Apollo's Optimistic UI but I can't get it to work as expected. refetchQueries: ['myQuery', 'myOtherQuery'] Looks like currenctly the version of Apollo provided by Vue Apollo doesn't allow to pass a imported . tsx. Previously we had a variables params inside refetch, now it's removed. refetchQueries is not used to run a query after a mutation if that's what you're trying to do. If you're sure you're not running those queries at the same time, you can check your routing library to see if they don't keep your last page in cache. refetchQueries ({stale: true}); // refetch all active queries partially matching a query key:refetchQueries: [{ query: DocumentNode }] I am seeing the following results: mutation succeeds, refetch query happens, the cache is updated correctly but UI is not. GitHub issue: How to query with multiple path parameters Option: skip in RTK query I want to search through an array based on an input field provided in the app. refetch-queries. Basic Queries. – TkDodo. result: The full API result that's being written to the cache. TanStack Query gives you declarative, always-up-to-date auto-managed queries and mutations that directly improve both your developer and user experiences. A query can be used with any Promise based method (including GET and POST methods) to fetch data from a server. Apollo Client. Out of the box, TanStack Query is configured with aggressive but sane defaults. You can think of refetching as the equivalent of doing a GET call to a REST API in the . Issues 29. Examples:Refetching queries in Apollo Client. But it's quite literally the concepts I previously explained. Description. getOperationName simply parses the document you pass it and extracts the operation. Would look something like: /* * Component rendered when there's data from subscription */ export const SubscriptionHandler = compose ( // This would be the query you want to refetch graphql (QUERY_GQL, { name: 'queryName' }), lifecycle ( { refetchQuery. I tried the following but it doesn't work. 1. Yes, invalidating the cache entries of queries with matching names on a refetchQueries seems like an appropriate approach, @wmertens. nothing recorded in the debugger. Refetch queries after Mutation doesn't work. The API slice object will have an endpoints field inside. Improve this question. 0 refetchQueries is typed so that it eventually resolves to: | "all" | "active" | Array<string | DocumentNode | QueryOptions>`. Queries refetched as part of refetchQueries are handled asynchronously, and are not waited on before the mutation is completed (resolved). It is important to remember that refetchQueries() will refetch specified active queries. 2. resetQueries. However, after I useMutation to update my db, the impacted query does not immediately refetch. Reusing Fragments. jsx const { status, data } = useQuery(['users&#. Follow asked Jun 16, 2021 at 6:38. I'm working with react-query in ReactJS to build a website. todos {.